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Who am I?

I am a data scientist with a social conscience. In my professional career, I often needed to think both as a materials science engineer and as a data scientist. I have experienced firsthand how data-driven decisions can make a huge impact. I also believe novel solutions to complex problems stem from one’s creativity and ingenuity. My fondness for creativity, problem-solving, and figuring out the unknowns is what drives my insatiable curiosity. I hope to apply my data science skills to help companies solve challenging problems that are fulfilling at a personal and professional level.

Languages: python, golang, scala, juliaLang

Frameworks: numpy, pandas, scikit-learn, statsmodel, tensorflow, keras, flask, pyQt

Interests: speed cubing, basketball, fitness, sports-analytics


Tools: github, vim, jupyterlab, MLFlow, LaTex

Services: AWS, heroku, docker

Platforms: linux, unix, windows, micro-controllers

For more details please refer to my resume.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions at or connect with me on LinkedIn.